Degrees Conferred

Blue Ridge Bible College
is a Non-Denominational Bible College
and is accredited by the :

American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions*

Blue Ridge Bible College offers the following
degrees and programs of study:

Associates of Theology Degree(Th.A.)

Diploma in Graduate Ministry

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The Associate of Theology Degree (Th.A) is conferred upon students who satisfactorily complete the two-year Degree Program consisting of sixty (60) credit hours and who maintains a "B" average (3.0 GPA). The Diploma in Graduate Ministry is awarded to students who satisfactorily complete a third year post-graduate course consisting of thirty (30) credit hours in ministry internship and practical field training. The Diploma in Biblical Studies is awarded to students who satisfactorily complete the two-year Biblical Studies Program consisting of at least fifty (50) credit hours and who maintain at least a "C" average (2.0 GPA).

* The U.S. Department of Education states"...accreditation by a regional accrediting agency or any other accrediting agency does not provide automatic acceptance by an institution of credits earned at another institution...",If you intend to transfer credits earned at Blue Ridge Bible College to another institution we suggest that you verify with that institution that they will transfer credits from BRSOTP.

Blue Ridge Bible College - The School of the Prophets Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates are exempt from the requirements of SCHEV certificates..


Blue Ridge Bible College - phone: (540) 483-7977 - email: